Earlier this year I was commissioned to create a unique necklace and earring set. I was given carte blanche in the design as long as it featured Blue Topaz. I have to admit I hadn’t really worked much with Blue Topaz although I’ve always liked the stone – its beauty and its energy. This fun commission gave me a chance to dive into the power of this gem.

The stunning blues of a Topaz bring visions of calm ocean waters and clear summer skies. And the vibration is at the same time energizing and relaxing.

Blue Topaz resonates with the Throat Chakra and can benefit your ability to express thoughts and feelings in writing and verbal communication. It is believed to provide insight and clarity in seeing your place in the Universe and your best path in life.

It is a wonderful stone to use in meditation, allowing the wisdom of your higher mind to teach the physical body. Blue Topaz gently encourages the spirit of forgiveness and helps let go of guilt, anger and resentment. The soothing energy helps stabilize emotions and promotes joy and love.

Those born in December are lucky to have the Blue Topaz as their birthstone. It also resonates with Virgo and Sagittarius signs. While I do not share the astrological association with this gemstone, it managed to seduce me with its beautiful energy. In fact this wonderful commission led to an entire collection of Blue Topaz necklaces and earrings.