The vast spectrum of gemstones that the earth offers is beyond belief. And when you come across one that is new to you it is nothing short of exhilarating. It’s like a gift.

I didn’t know Charoite until last year. I was walking though a local gem shop and out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash of purple, not Amethyst, not fluorite – something different. I admit, initially it was not only the intriguing lilac color, but also the flowing shape it had been cut to that caught my eye. And then I picked it up and examined it more closely — not only was the sea of purple shades captivating, the energy was undeniable. I stood there holding it and I felt the vibration. It was a grand positive energy, flowing through it, to me.

Since then I have been slightly enamored. I have created necklaces and earrings from it and simply held it in my hands while meditating. It is called a stone of transformation and teaches us how to live in the now. Charoite is thought to expand creativity, to remove negative energies, to enhance meditation and to bring insight and discernment. I have felt all this and more. It was a chance encounter with this gift from the earth – how divine.

Charoite was named after the Chara River in Russia, where it was discovered and is still the sole source. So happy it has now flowed on over so we can all enjoy its beauty and energy.